wild rice salad

Wild rice makes a gorgeous looking salad, perfect for a weekend lunch or part of a buffet or barbecue spread. If eating on its own then try adding some feta cheese, sardines or wild salmon for some added protein. It's also a great salad to take into work or as part of a picnic.

nutty banana lollies

Who doesn't love an ice lolly? These are dairy free and with none of the additives or nasties found in commercial ice cream. We've been getting through quite a few while perfecting the recipe and they are going down a storm!

slow cooked gammon & rosemary

One of the difficult things about a busy hectic family life is managing time and meal planning. That's where your AGA or like me a slow-cooker is a saviour several times a week. This gammon joint offers really intense flavours and requires no stock or liquid added. 

asparagus & feta frittata

When you love asparagus, the season is not really long enough, so I really try and come up with new recipes to include them at least a couple of times a week. This new recipe could very quickly become a seasonal staple for my family. It is quick to prepare, nutritionally balanced, can be adapted, can be eaten hot or cold, makes a perfect picnic or lunchbox item and when cut into squares it's a great finger food for the younger ones. What are you waiting for? 

cumin chicken skewers

Children love food on sticks! This chicken has been marinated in yoghurt overnight which makes it soft and succulent - perfect for younger children who sometimes find breast meat hard work. My daughter says this is her favourite way of eating chicken breast.

carrot & cinnamon cookies

When love of food and health meet in the kitchen, you get balance! This means that cookies can still be part of your life! Sometimes, the children will ask "Oh no mummy, is that another one of your healthy recipes?". How about "No" for an answer until they try!
These new cookies bring together some of the flavours of a carrot cake without the unnecessary sugar overload and are a great success at school pick-up time. Nice breakfast cookie for those in a rush!

avocado & turmeric dressing

This creamy dressing is perfect if you are looking for a hearty salad dressing. Also great poured over roasted vegetables. The protein and healthy fats from the cashew nuts and avocado will help to sustain you on busy days. This dressing will keep in a jar in the fridge for a couple of days.

French black olive summer tapenade

As days get longer and the summer approaches, not fast enough may I add, we start longing for relaxed alfresco eating ideas. What better than to look at classic Mediterranean dips and starters? One of my favourites from childhood summers spent on the French Riviera is Tapenade. It's so easy to make...

smoked mackerel pรขtรฉ

We love to keep things simple, healthy and delicious so here we go: what we give you here is a 2 or maybe 3 ingredients only, quick & easy recipe. Your perfect go to recipe for entertaining all year round and keep your guests happy before dinner. This also makes a brilliant lunchbox item for kids and grown-ups alike with flat breads or raw veggie sticks.

black bean chilli

We like to include a couple of vegetarian or meat-free days in our week. This helps to keep the weekly food budget down and gives our digestion a rest from processing meat. This bean chilli is a perfect recipe for those meat-free days. It's great on its own, but could be served with some brown rice if you are particularly hungry. Leftovers are also great the next day for lunch. It's best prepared with dried beans - see tip below, but you can use tinned if you prefer.

blueberry and blackberry crumble

This is a very simple crumble to make and I often get my children to make it for me while I'm cooking the main meal. Blueberry and blackberry is a delicious combination and I use frozen berries that I always have to hand in the freezer so this recipe can be whipped up at any time. Feel free to substitute with your favourite fillings - rhubarb and ginger; apple and blackberry or pear and ginger are other favourites.

why natural is best

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and what you put on it matters. Most traditional deodorants and antiperspirants contain harmful ingredients, which could potentially seep into your blood system.

ginger & turmeric energy snacks

Ginger & Turmeric go hand in hand...yes...just like Gin & Tonic! Their combined taste and amazing immune boosting properties can transform any bland dish. With a hectic family life, various after school activities multiplied by the number of children, making sure healthy nutritious snacks are plentiful in the car is key! So I am forever creating new flavours for the trusted raw energy balls.
G & T have been approved so they can now be shared with you all!

forager's pesto

What could be more rewarding than foraging for your own food and making your own pesto? This contains wild garlic and stinging nettles. Both are at their peak in March and April. Wild garlic is found in dark, shady, woody locations. Although similar to the toxic lily of the valley, the smell is unmistakable. If in doubt then don't pick! Nettles can be found everywhere โ€“ choose a location that's not near traffic or anywhere that could have been sprayed or where a dog may have visited. Wear thick protective gloves and pick just the top. If you do go foraging then please observe the countryside rules and forage responsibly. 

banana & date bread

We've had to do a lot of testing, and then obviously eating, to get this banana bread right. We were determined to make a banana bread with zero refined sugar โ€“ not even maple syrup or honey. We used only naturally sweet bananas and dates to sweeten. All five THB children declared it a winner, which we can tell you is a hard task indeed! 

caulirice salad

This salad uses cauliflower rather than a grain or rice to create a substantial salad that can be eaten on its own or added to a buffet table of other salads. It's best not made the night before as cauliflower when cut and left produces a sulphur smell. If you do store in the fridge make sure it's got a lid on!

watercress pesto

Dips and sauces prepared in advanced can make a world of difference at the end of a hectic day with the kids or at work. This pesto is made with watercress because it is currently in season but could be made with kale, spinach, parsley or basil. And isn't that colour just amazingly inviting?