
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

forager's pesto

forager's pesto

What could be more rewarding than foraging for your own food and making your own pesto? This contains wild garlic and stinging nettles. Both are at their peak in March and April. Wild garlic is found in dark, shady, woody locations. Although similar to the toxic lily of the valley, the smell is unmistakable. If in doubt then don't pick! Nettles can be found everywhere – choose a location that's not near traffic or anywhere that could have been sprayed or where a dog may have visited. Wear thick protective gloves and pick just the top. If you do go foraging then please observe the countryside rules and forage responsibly. 




large handful of wild garlic
2 large handfuls of stinging nettle tips
large handful of parsley
11 large brazil nuts (or could use almonds if you prefer)
100ml extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (or juice of 1 lemon)
salt and pepper




Blitz all the ingredients together in a food processor slowly drizzling in the olive oil as you go until the mixture reaches an even consistency. It will keep in the fridge for a week or you could freeze in an ice cube tray.


The Health Boost Tip

This is delicious served with brown rice pasta or alongside grilled chicken or try topping a piece of wild salmon with the pesto and baking in the oven.
Wild garlic is packed with beta-carotene, vitamin C iron, phosphorus and copper – and is good for helping to lower blood pressure. Nettles are packed with vitamin C.
For foraging tips see our blog post.

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ginger & turmeric energy snacks

ginger & turmeric energy snacks

banana & date bread

banana & date bread