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rhubarb & vanilla compote

rhubarb & vanilla compote

This very simple rhubarb stew is not only seasonal and delicious, it is a very versatile base for a crumble, a simple dessert, a great topping for your morning oats or with Greek yoghurt!
Who can resist such a pretty shade of pink?




Fresh rhubarb stalks
2 Vanilla pods (scraped) or 1 teaspoon extract
Knob of butter



prep time: 5mins
cook time: 15mins + 20mins

  • Preheat oven at 160 degrees C

  • Wash and trim both ends of the stalks

  • Chop in 2cm long chunks

  • Add rhubarb chunks to a baking tray

  • Sprinkle with water

  • Slide in the oven for 15mins until rhubarb has softened

  • Keep an eye and maybe add a little extra water

  • Remove from the oven and set aside

  • In a sauce pan, add a knob of butter and melt gently

  • Add the rhubarb, vanilla, stir and simmer gently for 15 to 20mins until it turns into a nice chunky compote


the health boost tip

Rhubarb is actually a vegetable! Yes!
Forced rhubarb (grown in the dark) usually appears in January. The real field-grown variety will come in season around April and run through the summer, but best until June.
Other winning flavour combination: rhubarb and ginger make for a delicious crumble base, especially if you add ground or flaked almonds to the topping!
The health benefits of rhubarb include good dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, B complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.

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