All tagged berry

berry berry smoothie bowl

Who else loves a pretty smoothie? We love a colourful smoothie but especially when mornings get brighter and warmer. This berry smoothie is very simple and versatile and makes a prefect pre or post-workout fuel. It can be dairy-free, made from fresh or frozen berries, and even turned into healthy ice cream. What's not to love?

Perfectly balanced breakfast bowl

Possibly my 3 favourite Bs: Balance, Breakfast and Bowl. Building a balanced breakfast bowl is so much fun and far easier and quicker than it looks. This is how I built this pretty and colourful bowl of yumminess. Most ingredients can be swapped for similar items you will have in your fridge or cupboards, fruits can be changed based on seasonal availabilities and yoghurt can be replaced with your dairy-free option if necessary.

sports day smoothie

Smoothies are a quick, easy, practical and versatile way to refuel efficiently during sports events. Packed full of nutrients, real fresh ingredients, they should become your best friends.
This new smoothie tastes like a treat and contains balanced amounts of good carbs, fibres and protein, with the added bonus of that sweet summer strawberry flavour.

a week of healthy breakfasts

You've all heard the saying "breakfast like a king". However the typical Western diet breakfast of cereal with skimmed milk or a piece of toast grabbed on the way out of the door is not eating like a king. I understand that time is a particular worry when you're trying to get to work and ferry children to school. However I often find that cooking a breakfast for the children results in cleaner plates much quicker and we are usually out of the door earlier. The key is to get the children involved. Get them to stir the eggs, while you unload the dishwasher or do their hair! My husband leaves the house at a ridiculous hour of the morning so he takes his breakfast in, which he eats after his 8am meeting. Many of the breakfasts below are easily portable in a container and carried into work.

raspberry & oat pots

We are always striving to come up with healthy breakfast ideas that are quick and easy to make and ensure that no one is left hungry. Make this the night before and then breakfast is on the table in seconds. This is my son'r current favourite breakfast as he says it leaves him full until lunchtime. He likes to mix it with some homemade granola for added crunch. This can be made dairy free by substituting the Greek yoghurt with coconut milk or coconut yoghurt.

blueberry & beetroot waffle

"Not another waffle recipe! " said no-one ever! Eat the rainbow is one of our Moto here at The Health Boost so once again, I aim at presenting colourful, creative, nutrient dense and delicious food! This waffle is as pleasing to the eye as it is balanced and satisfying on a hungry morning! You can even make it the night before and slide in the toaster in the morning.

Pick me up smoothie

Could this purple bit of goodness be any prettier? Not only will a smoothie offer one of the easiest and most versatile way to add goodness to a healthy diet, I have found that with kids, it is such a practical on-the-go way to supplement their diets with essential vitamins and minerals they may lack. Packed full of seasonal ingredients they have become part of our daily life.

blueberry and blackberry crumble

This is a very simple crumble to make and I often get my children to make it for me while I'm cooking the main meal. Blueberry and blackberry is a delicious combination and I use frozen berries that I always have to hand in the freezer so this recipe can be whipped up at any time. Feel free to substitute with your favourite fillings - rhubarb and ginger; apple and blackberry or pear and ginger are other favourites.