
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

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raspberry & oat pots

raspberry & oat pots

We are always striving to come up with healthy breakfast ideas that are quick and easy to make and ensure that no one is left hungry. Make this the night before and then breakfast is on the table in seconds. This is my son's current favourite breakfast as he says it leaves him full until lunchtime. He likes to mix it with some homemade granola for added crunch. This can be made dairy free by substituting the Greek yoghurt with coconut milk or coconut yoghurt.



makes 2 jam jars


200g Greek yoghut. We like Fage due to its high protein content
170g raspberries or blueberries (frozen or fresh)
150ml coconut or almond milk
1 tablespoon chia seeds
4 tablespoons of oats



  • Blend the Greek Yogurt, milk, raspberries and chia seeds in a blender.

  • Stir in the oats.

  • Place contents in 2 jam jars.

  • Leave overnight in the fridge.

  • Serve with a few more raspberries on top or a sprinkle of homemade granola


the health boost tip

This breakfast contains a good mixture of slow release carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 healthy fats, dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals They also contain 18% of the recommended amount of dietary calcium which is so important for bone strength and mass.

Download a printable version here

beetroot falafels

beetroot falafels

raw cacao, orange & turmeric power balls

raw cacao, orange & turmeric power balls