Tips for a healthier and eco friendly kitchen

As well as looking at the food we put into our bodies, it's also worth thinking about minimising toxins from our kitchen. There have been many studies showing that your home can be more toxic than your office. Chemicals in our home have been linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and dementia. These can either be directly or by damaging the beneficial bacteria in our gut, which helps to keep us healthy.

blueberry & almond loaf

Reworking childhood recipes with a healthier twist is one of my favourite kitchen challenge. I strongly believe in enjoying old fashioned foods. French classics such as clafoutis are delicious, seasonal and the opposite of fussy. Try this no refined sugar, gluten and dairy free version and share with the family this summer!

tomato and coconut chicken

This is perfect for introducing your children to spices. It's not that hot, so I add a couple of dried chillies when I cook it for some extra heat. If your children aren't used to spices then don't add any chillies the first time you make it and then introduce gradually. Don't be put off by the long list of spices it's a very simple dish and the oven does the hard work!

mocha energy shot

These energy balls were inspired by, or should I say, commissioned by my Sweaty Betty team mates! They have been designed to be free from most of what we try to avoid or reduce and full of the flavour of that much loved coffee shot! They are a perfect made ahead item and were a massive instant hit at our Monthly meeting!

French cherry & almond clafoutis

Reworking childhood recipes with a healthier twist is one of my favourite kitchen challenge. I strongly believe in enjoying old fashioned foods. French classics such as clafoutis are delicious, seasonal and the opposite of fussy. Try this no refined sugar, gluten and dairy free version and share with the family this summer!

good night's sleep

I believe that sleep is the most important thing we can get right for our health. Often when seeing clients I will also give them tips for a better night's sleep as well as help with their nutrition. If you aren't getting enough sleep than how can you be expected to have the energy to cook yourself nutritious meals and look after your family? Poor sleep is implicated in a range of health conditions such as heart disease, poor immunity and insulin resistance.

avocado and mango salad

This colourful salad is perfect for lunch on a summer's day. It's ideal to serve on its own, but can also be served alongside a BBQ on a summer's day. It's very quick and easy to prepare leaving you more time to spend outside. I'm not usually that keen on adding fruit to a salad, but trust me – this really works!

courgette & mint fritters

If you grow your own vegetables then you will need lots of recipes to use up the courgette glut that is inevitable! Even if you don't grow courgettes this summery recipe is a great way to combine the delicious summery flavours of courgette, mint and pea. Serve with a simple salad and a yoghurt and cucumber, mint dip for an easy lunch.

rainbow salad

Did you say green salad? Why stop at green? Although green is THE compulsory colour on our plates at all times, we love a rainbow. With mixed elements of raw and roasted vegetables, it will accompany your summer barbecues perfectly and provide a useful nutrient dense and balanced option for your vegetarian friends.

you don't have to put a name on it

What I am writing about today is not a rant, not a judgement, not scientific just an account of my very personal experience with food sensitivities over the past 10 years. With access to information facilitated by technology, and the rise of fad diets, health trends and fancy buzz words spreading across social media, I sometimes find myself facing harsh criticism and negative reactions when I ask about the gluten content of my order when eating out. 

peachy smoothie

Smoothies are the easiest, quickest and most versatile way to manage a nutrient rich balanced healthy diet. Packed full of seasonal ingredients they have become our best friends.
This new smoothie is sunshine on tap and nice little health boost for a peachy smooth skin.

raspberry & coconut FroYo

It's not just any yoghurt...oh no! It's frozen yoghurt, aka Fro-Yo. And that takes us into a whole different world of yummy healthy desserts. With so many different fruits available in the summer, the possibilities are endless.

chia jam strawberry tart

Strawberry season has well and truly arrived! Our local farm have opened their doors for the traditional annual PYO tradition!
My favourite way of enjoying strawberries is just the fruit, but my not so little children and husband do demand a proper dessert occasionally so this tart does fit the bill. Perfect for your next Sunday lunch with the family!

kale & mint smoothie

This fresh tasting mint smoothie is the perfect accompaniment to a summer weekend breakfast or a mid morning pick me up. We have made it sweet to appeal to children as well, but if it's only for you, then you might find that one pear, or even none, will do. There's no protein in the smoothie so it's not a substitute to breakfast. If you want to eat on its own then include a handful of almonds in the smoothie.

matcha & mint energy bars

Healthy energy snacks are an every day necessity in our house. As a busy working active mum of two sporty energetic kids, even with all the organisation in the world, refuelling sometime has to happen in the car between school and evening activities, for them and for me! So I have become quite creative with my flavours to keep things fun. With mint in abundance in my garden, I was inspired.

Yogurt, raspberry, beetroot energy breakfast

The sun's finally coming out to play, all my favourite berries are also coming into season so it's time to play with those gorgeous colours and make healthy food look pretty and attractive to young and not so young! Offering a yoghurt and a few fruits to the kids for breakfast or dessert is great but they get bored! Choose a nice glass, cup or jar, and get creative with some nutritious layers! Here's what I did and I found great success!

ratatouille provençale

With its origin  in the area around Provence and Nice where I spent all my summers as a child,  the word “ratatouille” originally meant a coarse stew as "touiller" or "ratouiller" means to stir in French. Ratatouille is a dish I make weekly all year round, because besides being loved by all at home, it is extremely versatile and packed full of vitamins and nutrients.

avocado & cacao smoothie bowl

Who does not like a smoothie? The super healthy green ones, the beautiful looking purple ones, the candy coloured berry ones and summery yellow ones... but what about the one that looks just like a chocolate pudding ? Still healthy and amazingly balanced and nutritious for a supercharged breakfast before exams or a big workout! An all round winner for the whole family.

Puy lentils with chorizo and Dijon mustard

These French Puy Lentils are a staple in my house just as they were in my Grand mother's kitchen in Burgundy growing up. Quick and easy to prepare, they don't need to soak and cook in just 20 minutes. They are a great protein packed alternative to meat, rice or potatoes and are incredibly versatile, enjoyed hot or cold as a base for a salad. Chorizo and Dijon mustard is our favourite way to cook them, but get creative with them and enjoy!