
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

kale & mint smoothie

kale & mint smoothie

This fresh tasting mint smoothie is the perfect accompaniment to a summer weekend breakfast or a mid morning pick me up. We have made it sweet to appeal to children as well, but if it's only for you, then you might find that one pear, or even none, will do. There's no protein in the smoothie so it's not a substitute to breakfast. If you want to eat on its own then include a handful of almonds in the smoothie.



Serves 2


1 lime
Large bunch of kale
2 stalks of celery
2 pears
Handful of fresh mint
100-200ml of coconut water



  • Squeeze the juice from the lime and put in a high-speed blender.

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and blitz until everything is smooth.

  • Start with 100ml of coconut water and if you need more to make it smooth then add more.


The Health Boost Tip

Smoothies are a great way to include additional greens in your child's diet. They can't taste the kale but are getting all the goodness! Kale is a cruciferous vegetable - and a healthy diet should include lots of cruciferous vegetables to support detoxification pathways.

Download a printable version here

chia jam strawberry tart

chia jam strawberry tart

matcha & mint energy bars

matcha & mint energy bars