All in Recipes

polenta fish fingers

These are a healthy and gluten free alternative to the frozen fish finger. By making them yourself you can be confident on the quality of the fish and ensure there's no added nasties. Many fish fingers from supermarkets are coated in unhealthy oils, which have no place in our diet. Serve with a side of sweet potato fries and a couple of green vegetables as a perfect balanced meal. If your child is suspicious of 'green bits' then leave the parsley out!

vegan coconut & orange slice

At The Health Boost, Kat and I aim to thrive on a balanced lifestyle including lots of good real food, being as active as possible in the time we have, so treats do feature there somewhere. This is one of those treats! Delicious, nutritious and a little naughty! Coconut is a bit of favourite ingredient of mine and luckily it offers many health benefits aside from tasting delicious.

Dark chocolate waffle

As you may have noticed by now, I love nothing more than playing around with ingredients, textures and flavours of the waffle kind. Still very much wearing my healthier cap on, I have managed to get the right balance of whole foods real ingredients and classic favourite. Those waffles have come out tasting like a good old fashioned brownie! Do try and you won't be disappointed.

Grab & go raspberry granola bars

The search for nutritious healthy snack bars is never ending. With the added restriction of the "nut free" policy in schools, making your own is the key to success. These bars contain oats and seeds, no nasties, no refined sugar and no nuts. These are really quick and simple to make ahead, and add to a packed lunch or your gym bag for a post-workout refuel.

prebiotic soup

It is very much soup season all year round as far as I am concerned! Why? Soups, whether hot or cold, are a fantastic way to easily include lots of daily veggie portions. This soup is packed full of real food pre-biotics, very light and works really well as a warming starter. Soups are a great make ahead and freeze healthy option for busy lives.

blueberry & beetroot waffle

"Not another waffle recipe! " said no-one ever! Eat the rainbow is one of our Moto here at The Health Boost so once again, I aim at presenting colourful, creative, nutrient dense and delicious food! This waffle is as pleasing to the eye as it is balanced and satisfying on a hungry morning! You can even make it the night before and slide in the toaster in the morning.

My easy family shakshuka recipe

Growing up in France, my paternal side of the family was from French North Africa and I grew up enjoying many of the flavourful dishes of the cuisine of the Sephardic Jews. My grandmother spent her time spoiling us with feast after feast of delicious spicy foods. My favourite was her "Choukchouka". Little did I know that this dish would see such a revival and feature in every culinary, foodie, healthy cookbook or blog! So here's my own family recipe for you to enjoy.

tomato, rosemary & bean soup

Many people don't eat soup for lunch as they say it doesn't fill you up. The key is to add some protein. This could either be a sprinkle of nuts or seeds on the top, or some coconut milk swirled through – or in the case of this soup some delicious butterbeans. Despite the fact that this soup has beans it is still light and smooth. With all the winter colds and flu around at the moment this is perfect if you are feeling below par.

cinnamon waffle

Growing up waffles were something I did with my grand-parents, at the weekend as a treat or ate at the fair ground. Nowadays, as a health conscious foodie mum I like to play around with so called indulgent, cheeky treats and tweak them! Still treats, but rid of the refined sugars and packed with nourishing goodness and flavours. These cinnamon waffles are just that.

potato & spinach waffle

So...I may have bought a new foodie gadget, and I may be having way too much fun with it! So I am now sharing the outcome of my very first waffle creation and certainly not the last! 
The best thing about this one< in addition to containing greens, is that I am using mashed potato. So so simple, could be a leftover in your fridge, and you will have a fab breakfast or delicious lunchbox item!

salmon & dill rillettes

Once again we are back with a very simple, quick and versatile recipe. To be enjoyed all year round, it is a fantastic prepped in advance lunch box item which can also be served chilled to accompany evening drinks or as a starter for your next dinner party. Salmon and dill is such a deliciously fresh classic combination.

vegetarian hygge bowl

When it's cold outside and you want something warming and easy on your digestion this is perfect. It's like being wrapped in a soft blanket in front of a crackling fire. This is what I want to eat when on a crisp autumnal evening or when it's dark and cold outside. The vegetables can be varied depending on what you have in. No squash? Then just add another sweet potato or another carrot. I rarely weight out the ingredients - just use whatever I have in the fridge/cupboards.

ginger chicken broth

I love nothing more than a roast chicken on a Sunday! Even more so when I know that nothing will go to waste as I will be making broth with the leftovers. If you are ever feeling like you are coming down with a cold then this is the option for you. We have lost the tradition of making stock every week like our grandmothers and great-grandmothers – but I think we are missing a trick.

Christmas energy balls

I started experimenting with raw food a while back now and always find new inspiration for energy balls, adjusting flavours and ingredients to suit seasons, moods and hectic family diaries. In order to satisfy that festive spiced biscuit craving and still provide the much needed post workout fuel or after-school sport these cranberry and mixed spice balls do the trick. And the level of spice can be adjusted to suit younger or more mature eaters equally.

raw sprout and kale salad

After all the excess of Christmas sometimes you just crave a salad. This salad screams healthy with the raw sprouts and kale. You could add some raw red cabbage as well which would also work. This is perfect for a lunch in the lead up to Christmas when you want something light, but still festive, or post Christmas when you feel you’ve just had enough to eat and want something simple!

winter salad bowl

This was one of those meals that I threw together and was a delicious pairing. So good that I've made it several times and am sharing with you guys. In the autumn and winter I switch from salads at lunch to warming and nourishing foods that will leave me comforted. This hits the spot perfectly. It serves three leaving plenty for leftovers!

cranberry & orange chia jam

Sticking by our favourite rule of eating seasonal ingredients, and in the spirit of joining our American friends in celebrating Thanksgiving I decided to make you all this delicious Cranberry & Orange chia jam . It’s quick and easy, and will make the perfect partner to fluffy pancakes, warming porridge or creamy Greek yoghurt! Dare I say, the tangy deliciousness of this jam also makes it a great companion for a rich cheese board! Feel free to adopt it, for ever! Not just for Thanksgiving!

Braised red cabbage & apple

With December's festivities approaching, we're all starting to think about changing things up a bit and bringing the best seasonal ingredients together with warming spices and flavours. As we do truly love our rainbow food, red cabbage and apples are just perfect and will accompany game meat, real butcher's sausages, gammon or a Sunday roast perfectly.

beta-carotene soup

During the autumn and winter we turn from refreshing salads to warming soups for lunch. Soups are also ideal for children as you can disguise plenty of vegetables that they might otherwise refuse. This soup is very child-friendly with lots of naturally sweet root vegetables. We have served this with a cashew nut cream and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds. These boost protein to keep you fuller for longer.