
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

cranberry & orange chia jam

cranberry & orange chia jam

Sticking with our favourite rule of eating seasonal ingredients, and in the spirit of joining our American friends in celebrating Thanksgiving I decided to make you all this delicious Cranberry & Orange chia jam. It’s quick and easy, and will make the perfect partner to fluffy pancakes, warming porridge or creamy Greek yoghurt! The tangy deliciousness of this jam also makes it a great companion for a rich cheese board! Feel free to adopt it, for ever! Not just for Thanksgiving!



Makes 1 jam jar


300g cranberries (fresh or frozen)
Juice of 1 large orange
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 tablespoon of water
1 tablespoon raw honey



prep time: 30mins

  • In a saucepan, add all ingredients except the chia seeds.

  • Mix well and cook on medium for about 25mins, stirring occasionally.

  • With a potato masher, or a fork, break down the cranberries.

  • Set aside so cool.

  • Add the chia seeds and mix.

  • Transfer to a jar and keep in the fridge to set overnight ideally.

  • Keeps in the fridge for up to a week.


the health boost tip

Chia seeds are a great addition to a healthy diet. They are a great source of fibre, antioxidants and healthy omega 3 fats. Chia seeds have also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. Avoid having too many if you are on blood thinning drugs.

Download a printable version here

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