
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

winter salad bowl

winter salad bowl

This was one of those meals that I threw together and was a delicious pairing. So good that I've made it several times and am sharing with you guys. In the autumn and winter I switch from salads at lunch to warming and nourishing foods that will leave me comforted. This hits the spot perfectly. It serves three so you can share with a friend and then have plenty for leftover the next day.



serves 3


3 small sweet potatoes (or 2 large)
1/2 butternut squash
1 heaped teaspoon of harissa powder (or paste if you have)
3 tablespoon of olive oil
75g quinoa
1 tablespoon of tamari or soy sauce
6-8 large stalks of kale, stripped and torn into small bits
1 jar of chickpeas (we like this brand as the chickpeas have been peeled giving a much smoother finish)
1 pomegranate



  • Preheat the oven to 200°C

  • Peel the sweet potatoes and butternut squash and cut into small squares and place in a large dish suitable for roasting.

  • Mix the harissa powder with 2 of the tablespoons of olive oil and use to coat the sweet potatoes and squash.

  • Place the dish in the oven for 20 minutes

  • Cook the quinoa according to the packet instructions with a tablespoon of tamari or soy sauce added to the water.

  • When the sweet potatoes are getting soft add the kale and chickpeas to the dish and give everything a good stir adding the last tablespoon of oil as you do so.

  • Place back in the oven for 10 minutes.

  • At the end of the cooking time take out of the oven and stir in the cooked quinoa.

  • Halve the pomegranate and hold over the dish while you bang the skin with a wooden spoon to release the seeds and the juice.

  • Now stir everything together again and serve.


the health boost tip

We feel that it is very important to eat with the seasons. Therefore we won't be drinking green juices or eating cold salads in the winter. In the autumn and winter we switch to warming foods; these help to keep our core body temperature warm and aid digestion. All the ingredients in this salad are seasonal and rich in vitamin C – perfect to help keep your immune system fit.

Download a printable version here

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