
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

Dark chocolate waffle

Dark chocolate waffle

As you may have noticed by now, I love nothing more than playing around with ingredients, textures and flavours of the waffle kind. Still very much with my healthy cap on, I have managed to get the right balance of whole food real ingredients and classic favourites. These waffles have come out tasting like a good old fashioned brownie! Do try and you won't be disappointed.



makes 6 waffles


100g of oat flour (make your own by blending good quality oats)
25g raw cacao powder
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon honey
220ml milk (or use your favourite dairy free milk)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil melted (or butter, melted and cooled)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
60g dark chocolate chips



Prep time: 15mins
Cooking time: 8-10mins

  • In a large mixing bowl, add the oat flour, bicarbonate soda, salt and cacao, and mix well.

  • In a separate mixing bowl, add the milk, eggs, honey, coconut oil and vanilla and combine well.

  • Make a well in the dry ingredient mix, add the wet mixture and combine until smooth.

  • Add the chocolate chips and mix well.

  • Grease the waffle maker's plates according to manufacturer's instructions and heat up.

  • When ready, add a paddle of batter to the plate(s) and gently close the waffle maker.

  • Cook for about 8-10mins or until waffles appear a little crispy.

  • Repeat with remaining batter.


the health boost tip

Nothing says treats as much as waffle and chocolate together! Using oat flour makes this waffle more dense and more nutritious. Using a good quality raw cacao powder offers the health benefit of no added or refined sugar and higher levels of antioxidants. 
These waffles keep really well for a couple of days.

Download a printable version here

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