All tagged healthy fats

Classic tuna niçoise salad

This has to be one of my favourite classics from my childhood. My grand parents lived in Nice and I have heaps of happy memories there…For some of you this may seem like a lot of ingredients to buy and prep but the beauty of this is that it is a perfect salad to make ahead in the summer to accompany a BBQ and the ideal meal to make once ( base) and eat 3 times for lunch with different protein on top. Perfect balance of mediterranean flavours, healthy plant diversity and healthy fats.

High protein breakfast smoothie

Winning all round hybrid smoothie. When I have a big day starting with teaching a class (which I do 90% of), followed by my own strength training session and back to back clients this is a winning breakfast I enjoy between class & training!
The nitrate in beetroot helps with stamina. The protein is there to feed and repair the muscles.The blueberries are full packed with antioxidants. The avocado is rich in fibres and good fats.

Chia pudding breakfast bowl

If you follow us on social media you will know that as a Personal Trainer working in a private studio, I need to prep all my food ahead and take with me. The chia pudding mixture is very quick and easy to prepare for 3 breakfasts in one go and keeps in the fridge for 2-3 days. Chia seeds contain some protein and are rich in fibre to keep you full longer! This is such a versatile breakfast. Any fresh or frozen fruit can be used!

Vanilla cauliflower protein smoothie

I know what you are thinking - cauliflower in a smoothie - yuck! However, please believe me when I say you really can’t taste the cauliflower and you get all the cruciferous vegetable benefits. I buy packs of frozen cauliflower rice and keep in the freezer as a useful and very easy meal side. If you haven’t got vanilla protein powder then use your normal protein powder and add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract for the vanilla flavour. I often freeze cut up bananas that are going brown in the fruit bowl and they are great for adding to smoothies.

Blueberry power protein smoothie

Smoothies can make a really quick on the go breakfast option. However most smoothies don’t contain enough protein and we often need to add a protein powder to ensure adequate protein. You can use any protein powder you like. At the moment my current favourite is the vanilla flavour by Nuzest. It doesn’t taste artificial like many of the vanilla protein powders out there. For this recipe we have used Arctic Berries blueberry powder which is made from blueberries that come from the Arctic forests of Finland, but you can substitute with fresh or frozen blueberries.

10 quick & healthy courgette/zucchini recipes

For anyone that grows their own or has family that grows their own vegetables you will be very familiar with how quickly you can suddenly have far too many courgettes (or zucchini as it's known in the States and Australia) to deal with! A couple of years ago I planted for too many courgette plants and I was making everything with courgettes in from cakes to hummus to curries and salads. Well you'll be pleased to know that lots of our recipes contain courgette and here we've compiled them all in one place just for you. The only thing that's missing from the recipes below is a courgette cake - but don't worry we're working on one!!

Greek style chickpea salad bowl

This Greek style salad bowl is a budget friendly crowd pleaser. It’s perfect made ahead for lunch boxes, taking to work etc… It’s also such a quick one to make and bring along to those summer BBQs to serve alongside grilled meats. Perfect balance of mediterranean flavours, healthy plants and fats.

5mins healthy rainbow salad bowl

This super quick rainbow salad contains 13 every day cupboard and fridge ingredients. It will sit perfectly alongside any summer barbecue spread as it is delicious with some grilled chicken skewers. Leftovers are perfect for lunch on Monday with tinned tuna!

We strongly believe and enjoy variety of ingredients in our diets. Variety is good for your gut and your taste buds!

Cannellini beans, pea and mint dip

Healthy and quick to make dips are a great made ahead solution for a savoury snack, a lunch box or a BBQ spread. It takes 5 mins to make and keeps in the fridge for 2-3 days. That classic pea and mint combo is divine on toasted sourdough, or as a side with grilled chicken, salmon or grilled lamb chops.

Griddled asparagus on toasted sourdough

This plant-based bean and avocado salad is one you will adopt and make over and over again. Perfect as a lunch prepped ahead for a couple of days, where you can add a different source of extra protein (boiled egg, feta cheese, leftover roast chicken, poached salmon). It is also a fab salad to make to work alongside those summer BBQs we are all looking forward to!
Bonus, it’s super quick and made from everyday affordable ingredients!

Pineapple protein breakfast smoothie

Smoothies are often requested by our clients when we design personalised meal plans. In spring and summer they are a great breakfast option if put together properly and hit your micro and macro nutrients needs. This smoothie will give you very adequate protein for breakfast and also contains your first portion of veggie for the day! A double win. Who can resist the pineapple coconut combo?

10 mins beans and avocado salad bowl

This plant-based bean and avocado salad is one you will adopt and make over and over again. Perfect as a lunch prepped ahead for a couple of days, where you can add a different source of extra protein (boiled egg, feta cheese, leftover roast chicken, poached salmon). It is also a fab salad to make to work alongside those summer BBQs we are all looking forward to!
Bonus, it’s super quick and made from everyday affordable ingredients!

Lentil, beetroot & salmon salad bowl

The beauty of this lentil salad is its versatility! Some elements (lentils and salmon) can be added warm, and all can be made ahead or already in the fridge and cupboard so you can assemble this beautiful salad at the last minute. It makes a perfect starter for 4 or a balanced lunch for 2. The lentils and salmon provide a good source of protein and healthy fats to keep you full for longer. This can be made with any type of lentil - but I think those beluga lentils are perfect and sturdy for this salad. Second favourite to use are Puy lentils.

Vitamin C booster smoothie

Winter may not seem the time you fancy a smoothie, but they are so handy for packing so much goodness.

When I set out to create a new smoothie recipe, I was aiming for at least one vegetable, high fibre content, high in vitamin C, a good morning boost, a light textured and a pretty colour! Oh and why not include that daily dose of flaxseed (really helps with the hot flushes). I think I managed to tick all the boxes and it’s delicious! Give it a try and let me know!

Overnight steel cut oats and chia breakfast bowl

The breakfast debate ( to have or not to have, what and when) is still going strong! The other question is whether you prefer sweet or savoury!
My answer for now is that I love a breakfast that’s made ahead, balanced delicious and nourishing. So here’s another overnight recipe to help you out! Making ahead is one of the best advice I can give if you want to ensure you fuel properly! Use any seasonal fresh fruit to top up or your go to handy frozen fruits!

Top 7 summer salads you will love

We love salads at The Health Boost and nearly every day will have one for lunch and in the summer for supper too. However there's no limp lettuce and starving ourselves with our salads. The key to a good salad is to get the right balance of protein, healthy fats and some slow release healthy carbohydrates so that you aren't hungry again by 3pm. We include lots and lots of vegetables in our salads as we love them and recognise their health benefits. We hope this selection of salads will provide you with some inspiration. We change our salads weekly, depending on what's seasonal and what delights our vegetable box brings. Have fun experimenting with your salads! If you want to learn how to create the perfect salad we have a separate article How to create the perfect salad