All tagged feta

Asian inspired omelette with prawns

If you’re after a simple high protein meal, this asian inspired omelette with prawns is the easiest most fabulous lunch or brunch for 2, or even a quick midweek dinner. All the flavours of Asian cooking and packed with nourishing protein and portions of veggies! Serve with a side salad, stir fried pack choi or brown rice if higher carbs needed.

red pepper, parsley and feta omelette

Omelettes or frittatas are your friends! They can be breakfast, brunch, lunch and can be eaten hot or cold! Eggs are a great natural, simple, complete and affordable source of protein teamed up with any seasonal vegetable you may have to hand. An omelette takes 5 minutes to make for a quick lunch at home. Made ahead, they are ideal cold in a wrap with extra salad leaves.

Spinach, tapenade and feta baked filo triangles

I used to make those as a kid with my Jewish grandma in the South of France. Now I have passed this on to my 15yr old. If you have made my tapenade before and enjoyed it, this simple delicious recipe makes great use of it. It is so so quick to make. It’s a perfect starter or ideal with summer drinks or for a picnic. Spinach, black olives and feta are a classic greek combo I adore. You could swap the tapenade for a pesto and generally be creative with flavours. Great finger food for the little ones too!

warm squash and lentil salad

This might not be a salad in the traditional sense since it’s warm - but as the months turn cooler, adding warm elements to your salad makes sense. This is how I prefer to eat my salads in the autumn and winter. Sometimes I add just one warm element - or in the instance of this salad I have added a couple - including a spicy kick that’s guaranteed to warm you through.

Californian inspired salad with quinoa

After my recent trip to California, where I had lots of salads, I was inspired to make my own Californian salad. I have used ingredients that were used in many of the salads I tried - kale, quinoa, feta, avocado and almonds. It seemed typical of many of the salads to contain fruit. I am not a fan of fruit in my salad so instead chose to add lemon to a dressing and include some fruit that way!

beetroot, lentil & feta salad

I eat a salad nearly every day for lunch and so am always trying to come up with different varieties. This one has been a favourite for a couple of weeks now. The lentils and feta provide a good source of protein and the feta and dressing some healthy fats - meaning that this salad keeps you full for the rest of the afternoon. It can be made in advance and taken into work as a packed lunch. This can be made with any type of lentil - but I particularly love the nutty flavour and firm texture of the dark speckled lentils.

rainbow salad

Did you say green salad? Why stop at green? Although green is THE compulsory colour on our plates at all times, we love a rainbow. With mixed elements of raw and roasted vegetables, it will accompany your summer barbecues perfectly and provide a useful nutrient dense and balanced option for your vegetarian friends.