
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

Californian inspired salad with quinoa

Californian inspired salad with quinoa

After my recent trip to California, where I had lots of salads, I was inspired to make my own Californian salad. I have used ingredients that were used in many of the salads I tried - kale, quinoa, feta, avocado and almonds. It seemed typical of many of the salads to contain fruit. I am not a fan of fruit in my salad so instead chose to add lemon to a dressing and include some fruit that way!



serves 3


200g cooked quinoa
2 large handfuls of kale
1 large carrot
1 large beetroot
1 large avocado
100g feta cheese
10 cherry tomatoes
25 almonds
juice of 1 lemon
6 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
black pepper



prep time: 30 mins

  • Place the cooked quinoa in the salad bowl.

  • Shred the kale and add to the salad bowl.

  • Grate the beetroot and carrot. This is easiest in a food processor.

  • Slice and cube the avocado and add to the bowl.

  • Cube the feta, slice the tomatoes and add both of these.

  • Chop the almonds and also add these to the bowl.

  • Lastly place the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil and black pepper in a jar and shake to combine and pour over the salad.


the health boost tip

A bright colourful salad that contains a ‘rainbow’ of different colour vegetables. We like to pack our salads with vegetables in a range of colour - not only do you get a wide range of vitamins and minerals, but also phytonutrients.

When you cook the quinoa why not cook double to use for another day? It keeps well in the fridge for 3-4 days or can be frozen. When grating carrot and beetroot I also tend to grate up more than I need to serve in a salad another day.

Download a printable version here

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