
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

beetroot, lentil & feta salad

beetroot, lentil & feta salad

I eat a salad nearly every day for lunch and so am always trying to come up with different varieties. This one has been a favourite for a couple of weeks now. The lentils and feta provide a good source of protein and the feta and dressing some healthy fats - meaning that this salad keeps you full for the rest of the afternoon. It can be made in advance and taken into work as a packed lunch. This can be made with any type of lentil - but I particularly love the nutty flavour and firm texture of the dark speckled lentils.



serves 3


125g dark speckled lentils
1 large raw beetroot, peeled and grated
1 large bunch (25g) of flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
1/3 large cucumber, halved and quartered and sliced
2 spring onions, finely sliced
Large handful of spinach, chopped
200g feta cheese, cut into squares
4-6 tablespoons of French Dijon dressing



  • Place the lentils in a bowl and soak in cold water for 20 minutes.

  • Rinse the lentils thoroughly under cold running water.

  • Simmer the lentils in 100ml of water for 18-20 minutes.

  • Place all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix everything together until well combined.


the health boost tip

Lentils are a good inclusion in a healthy diet due to the fibre and folate they contain. Lentils are also rich in copper and manganese, both of which support the antioxidant defence system.

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French Dijon dressing

French Dijon dressing

coconut & berry lollies

coconut & berry lollies