All tagged side dish

French vegetable "tian" with goat cheese

A Tian is a classic dish from my beloved childhood southern France. It is perfect served alongside grilled meat or fish, or just aside salad for a light lunch. It is perfect to use up all of your summer vegetables. I like to use mixed provencal herbs and garlic for the seasoning but dried oregano works brilliantly too. A super easy one to make vegan by simply skipping the cheese. It’s a bit like a structured ratatouille!

Simple braised French Puy lentils

In an effort to simplify good home cooked family food without compromising on taste or essential nutrients, having a few recipes for versatile delicious sides is key. This is a dish I used to make with my grand mother as a child in France. She used to serve it with Toulouse sausages, or roast chicken. Should you have leftovers( I doubt it unless you save yourself a portion) I have found that cold the next day it makes a delicious salad, topped with crumbled feta.

provencal stuffed courgettes

If you visit Provence in the summer "Petits farcis" are everywhere. My grandma used to make a large saucepan of the sauce and add to a wide variety of mediterranean vegetables including: courgettes, tomatoes, aubergines, artichokes, red and green peppers and onions! How lucky was I growing up always eating such a delicious rainbow? This simple one pot recipe is my take on it. Merci Mamie.

My easy family shakshuka recipe

Growing up in France, my paternal side of the family was from French North Africa and I grew up enjoying many of the flavourful dishes of the cuisine of the Sephardic Jews. My grandmother spent her time spoiling us with feast after feast of delicious spicy foods. My favourite was her "Choukchouka". Little did I know that this dish would see such a revival and feature in every culinary, foodie, healthy cookbook or blog! So here's my own family recipe for you to enjoy.

Braised red cabbage & apple

With December's festivities approaching, we're all starting to think about changing things up a bit and bringing the best seasonal ingredients together with warming spices and flavours. As we do truly love our rainbow food, red cabbage and apples are just perfect and will accompany game meat, real butcher's sausages, gammon or a Sunday roast perfectly.

family fish pie

Aside from the perfect all time favourite roast chicken, there is a close second comfort food request in our house and it is fish pie! I opt for a mix of white and sweet potato for the topping and I do not use or add white sauce to the fish. I works brilliantly as a made ahead meal ready to heat up the next day with a sprinkle of grated parmesan on top!

vegetarian stuffed squash

Since signing up to a weekly veggie box delivery, I have managed to convince my whole family that it is fun to be surprised every Friday with  an eclectic array of seasonal organic vegetables. New colours, shapes and simply new never tried ones!
Aside from the good looking nature of this vegetable, the pattypan squash is full of goodness and brings an element of fun to the table! 

simple vegetable curry

When days get shorter and cooler, we all seek comfort in warming foods. Spices do just that, and it doesn't have to be complicated. Plenty of vegetables and plenty of gorgeous colours are sure signs that you're eating something full of goodness. So have a go! This is a great vegetarian dish on its own or the perfect side for a roast chicken for example.

ratatouille provençale

With its origin  in the area around Provence and Nice where I spent all my summers as a child,  the word “ratatouille” originally meant a coarse stew as "touiller" or "ratouiller" means to stir in French. Ratatouille is a dish I make weekly all year round, because besides being loved by all at home, it is extremely versatile and packed full of vitamins and nutrients.