
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

strawberry & mint granita

strawberry & mint granita



Serves 4-6

That sweet taste of summer... belongs to the gorgeous strawberry! We simply can't resist them, especially when you grow your own. This granita is so quick and easy to make and very versatile. Perfect to serve and present as a grown-up dessert for your barbecue with friends or equally loved by kids like a healthy slushy refreshing treat. Perfect for batch making for those summer evenings.


300g fresh strawberries
Large handful of fresh mint
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tablespoons honey



  • Add all ingredients into a Nutribullet or food processor and blend until smooth.

  • Poor the smoothie like mixture in a glass dish ensuring the mix does not get thicker than 3cm deep, in order to freeze better.

  • Put in the freezer.

  • After about an hour, and every hour after that, scrape the surface of the frozen mix in order to form those crunchy crystals.

  • Repeat for 3 to 5 hours.

  • Serve on top of greek yoghurt, add a few strawberry pieces and chopped mint.


The Health Boost Tip

With summer barbecue season starting, we all want to enjoy our time with friends and family and yet again having a range of healthy desserts you can make ahead is such a good feeling. This granita appeals to all ages and only contains natural occurring sugars.

Download a printable version here


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