
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

lemon & tahini dressing

lemon & tahini dressing

A good dressing can really lift a salad and take it from ok to superb. This lemon and tahini dressing is our favourite. It can be stored in the fridge for a week and if it turns a bit thick just loosen with a small amount of boiling water.




170g jar of tahini
1 1/2 lemon juiced
1 garlic clove crushed
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
100 ml water
pinch of pink himalayan salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil




Blend all the ingredients together in a nutri bullet or high-speed blender. You might need to add a bit more water to get the consistency. You are looking for a sauce that drips from the spoon when held up.


The Health Boost Tip

The addition of pumpkin seeds in this dip gives you a dose of zinc, which is a mineral that is often hard to get in the diet, but is excellent for your immune system.

raspberry & coconut slice

raspberry & coconut slice

oat & blueberry squares

oat & blueberry squares