All tagged vegetable soup

Watercress and wild garlic soup

This is a such a super quick and easy soup that is spring in a bowl. Wild garlic grows in March and April in shady, woody and wet environments. The smell will probably hit you before you see it. If you are in doubt rub the leaves between your fingers. If you don’t smell garlic then leave well alone.

carrot, parsnip & ginger soup

Soups are perfect for warming you up during the Autumn and Winter months. They are also a great way of boosting vegetable intake into any reluctant vegetable eater! This soup is very child-friendly with naturally sweet root vegetables. This soup is ideal if you are suffering from a cold or want to boost your immunity. The garlic and ginger are both anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.

kitchen garden soup

Including lots of green in our diet is always top of our list. Soups along with curries are a perfect way to up the daily portions with reluctant eaters. The addition of ground cumin to this otherwise simple soup gives it that extra warmth and comforting quality. The apple and peas work wonderfully to balance out the strong Cavalo Nero and celery flavours.

creamy roasted tomato soup

This soup is so easy to make and a real family favourite in the Autumn when the days get colder. It’s my daughter’s favourite soup and a great way to add veggies into a reluctant vegetable eater’s diet. It’s creamy from the butterbeans so is dairy free, as well as including protein to keep you feeling fuller for longer.