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kitchen garden soup

kitchen garden soup

Including lots of green in our diet is always top of our list. Soups along with curries are a perfect way to up the daily portions with reluctant eaters. The addition of ground cumin to this otherwise simple soup gives it that extra warmth and comforting quality. The apple and peas work wonderfully to balance out the strong cavalo nero and celery flavours.



serves 6-8


4 large potatoes, chopped
4 leeks, sliced
Handful of cavalo nero leaves, chopped
1 large apple, cored and sliced
4 celery sticks, chopped
150g frozen peas
2 onions, sliced
3 cloves of fresh garlic chopped finely
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1.5L of vegetable stock, chicken stock or water (enough to cover)



prep time: 20mins
cook time: approx 1 hour on the hob

  • Add all the chopped and sliced vegetables to a large casserole.

  • Cover with stock or water.

  • Take off the heat and blitz (I use a hand held blender).

  • I like to serve it with warm toasted sourdough, a swirl of creme fraiche and some seeds.


the health boost tip

Soups are not just great at warming us up they are one of the most efficient way to food plan and prep for a busy week ahead. When work life balance catches up with you batch cooking is a great way to stay on track with healthy eating.

Download a printable version here

mushroom, spinach & coconut curry

mushroom, spinach & coconut curry

apple & cinnamon bread

apple & cinnamon bread