All tagged cacao

top tips for building the perfect smoothie

If you go into a supermarket the array of smoothies you can now buy is overwhelming. We find more and more people are reaching for a smoothie as a healthy choice. However, many of the shop bought smoothies are very high in fruit and contain very small amounts of vegetables. This makes them very sweet and palatable. While this is great for increasing the amount of fruit in one’s diet, it does mean that we often get a blood sugar spike. Without any protein or fat to slow down the absorption you get the same effect as reaching for a sugary drink. A blood sugar spike results in an evitable blood sugar crash a few hours later, which leads to cravings for more food (often unhealthy food) as your body needs the energy fast!

6 real everyday superfoods

As the health industry continues to boom, there are more and more products claiming to make you healthier and it’s easy to be seduced into thinking that taking a daily ‘superfood’ will help to make you healthier. However if you are sedentary and consume a typical Western diet that is high in saturated fat and low in fibre and phytonutrients then a glass of wheatgrass a day will not protect you from cancer or cardiovascular problems. 

Dark chocolate waffle

As you may have noticed by now, I love nothing more than playing around with ingredients, textures and flavours of the waffle kind. Still very much wearing my healthier cap on, I have managed to get the right balance of whole foods real ingredients and classic favourite. Those waffles have come out tasting like a good old fashioned brownie! Do try and you won't be disappointed.

mocha energy shot

These energy balls were inspired by, or should I say, commissioned by my Sweaty Betty team mates! They have been designed to be free from most of what we try to avoid or reduce and full of the flavour of that much loved coffee shot! They are a perfect made ahead item and were a massive instant hit at our Monthly meeting!

avocado & cacao smoothie bowl

Who does not like a smoothie? The super healthy green ones, the beautiful looking purple ones, the candy coloured berry ones and summery yellow ones... but what about the one that looks just like a chocolate pudding ? Still healthy and amazingly balanced and nutritious for a supercharged breakfast before exams or a big workout! An all round winner for the whole family.