
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

courgette & chickpea salad

courgette & chickpea salad

In August we are always looking for ways to use up a glut of courgette from the veg patch! This salad recipe is perfect. It's a good mixture of carbohydrates, green vegetables and fat from the avocado and dressing. This stores well in the fridge (without the avocado and dressing) and so can be taken into work for a healthy packed lunch.



serves 2-3


2 courgettes (zucchini)
70g rocket (arugula)
1 avocado
700g jar of chickpeas
Optional: halloumi

Lemon dressing
1 large lemon
6 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
salt and pepper



  • Grate the courgettes (zucchini). I find a food processor makes short work of this.

  • Place the rocket (arugula) in a salad bowl along with the grated courgette.

  • Add some chopped avocado and the chickpeas.

  • Juice the lemon and add to a jar.

  • Zest half of the lemon and add this to the jar.

  • Add the olive oil, mustard, salt and pepper to the jar and give it a shake.

  • Add the dressing to the salad.

  • If using the halloumi place in a frying pan, under the grill or a bbq to lightly cook.

  • Give everything a stir and enjoy.


The Health Boost Tip

It's no coincidence that courgette is seasonal in the summer. Its high water content provides hydration and its high carotene content helps to protect against the damaging effects of the sun. Don't be afraid of the fat content of avocados - some studies have shown that those whose diet is high in avocados showed significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Download a printable version here

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