
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

chicken & pea curry

chicken & pea curry

This is one of those quick and easy meals that can be rustled up when nothing else is planned. Apart from the chicken fillets, the other ingredients are probably already in your cupboards. The recipe below uses chicken fillets as they cook quickly. However this can also be made with chicken breasts cut in strips, just make sure they are cooked through before serving. This recipe uses a spice mix from Steenbergs, which is a fantastic spice company. I have tried to find the mix in supermarkets and couldn't find it, but you could substitute with a korma or masala spice mix, although I really do recommend you try the Steenbergs one.



serves 4


1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1-2 leeks, sliced
1 carrot, sliced and cut into quarters
1 tablespoon korma masala curry mix from Steenbergs
2 packets of chicken breast fillets
1 tablespoon tomato paste
600ml coconut milk
150g frozen peas



  • Heat the oil in a large shallow casserole pan.

  • Add the onion, leek and carrot and cook for 10 minutes until soft.

  • Add the curry powder and stir to mix.

  • Add the chicken fillets and stir.

  • Add the tomato paste and coconut milk and simmer together with the lid on for 15 minutes.

  • Add the frozen peas and cook for another 5 minutes.


the health boost tip

Home cooked food doesn't need to take hours to cook. We are all busy but we still want nutritious meals on the table. Coconut milk contains mostly health promoting medium chain saturated fatty acids. It is also an excellent source of manganese, molybdenum and copper and a good source of selenium and zinc. A lot of people are put off eating coconut milk due to its high calories, however the coconut's medium chain fats are easily absorbed and preferentially used as an energy source and so their burning actually increases the body's metabolic rate. So tuck in!

Download a printable version here

Looking after your heart

Looking after your heart

lavender & pistachio jam cookies

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