All in Nutrition

a week of healthy packed lunches

It's back to school time and for some that means the return of the packed lunches. How do you make them healthy, but still taste good so your children actually eat them? We have come up with some healthy ideas here, that will hopefully inspire you to change things up. The key is to be organised. Get the bag ready the night before and put in anything that doesn't need to be refrigerated. Fill up a water bottle and leave it to chill overnight in the fridge - small things will make a difference. All the meals are nut free and most are gluten free and dairy free. We have also tried to make them full of fruit and vegetables – and colour, which is lacking in so many lunch boxes that we see.

Tips for a healthier and eco friendly kitchen

As well as looking at the food we put into our bodies, it's also worth thinking about minimising toxins from our kitchen. There have been many studies showing that your home can be more toxic than your office. Chemicals in our home have been linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and dementia. These can either be directly or by damaging the beneficial bacteria in our gut, which helps to keep us healthy.

good night's sleep

I believe that sleep is the most important thing we can get right for our health. Often when seeing clients I will also give them tips for a better night's sleep as well as help with their nutrition. If you aren't getting enough sleep than how can you be expected to have the energy to cook yourself nutritious meals and look after your family? Poor sleep is implicated in a range of health conditions such as heart disease, poor immunity and insulin resistance.

you don't have to put a name on it

What I am writing about today is not a rant, not a judgement, not scientific just an account of my very personal experience with food sensitivities over the past 10 years. With access to information facilitated by technology, and the rise of fad diets, health trends and fancy buzz words spreading across social media, I sometimes find myself facing harsh criticism and negative reactions when I ask about the gluten content of my order when eating out.