All tagged wholefoods

Dark chocolate date and nut butter fudge

Dark chocolate, nut butter and medjool dates! 3 wholesome simple ingredients only and this fudge is unreal! Of course it is high in sugar (the dates) and calorie dense (nut butter) but if you’re going to treat yourself, do it with real food ingredients you know and recognise!

My tip? Cut into small squares. Go on, have a go and let me know!

6 real everyday superfoods

As the health industry continues to boom, there are more and more products claiming to make you healthier and it’s easy to be seduced into thinking that taking a daily ‘superfood’ will help to make you healthier. However if you are sedentary and consume a typical Western diet that is high in saturated fat and low in fibre and phytonutrients then a glass of wheatgrass a day will not protect you from cancer or cardiovascular problems. 

Boosting your immunity

As the seasons change and the nights draw in it’s the return of the coughs and colds. I always find it’s when the children go back to school after the summer holidays that colds start to make a reappearance. It always amazes me just how quickly someone in the class gets a cold and passes the germs around.