All tagged probiotics

top tips to improve gut health

The digestive tract is home to a complex microbial community. Keeping this community diverse, inflammation low and the mucosal lining strong is key to a healthy digestive system. Symptoms that your digestive health is not optimal include bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhoea and excessive wind.

Boosting your immunity

As the seasons change and the nights draw in it’s the return of the coughs and colds. I always find it’s when the children go back to school after the summer holidays that colds start to make a reappearance. It always amazes me just how quickly someone in the class gets a cold and passes the germs around.

pre and post surgery tips

I am writing this a month after surgery on my foot. My recovery has been excellent according to my surgeon and my follow up appointment was fast tracked due to great healing. Obviously this could be done to a variety of factors, but I thought I would write down what I did as a nutritional therapist to help prepare my body for surgery.