All tagged polyphenols

5 benefits of drinking coffee

The smell of coffee is one of those smells that brings a smile to my face, along with cut grass and freshly laundered sheets. I treasure my mid-morning cup of coffee - but is it actually good for you? Caffeine can sometimes get a bad rap - but did you know there’s more to your cup of coffee than just caffeine and there are some great health benefits, in particular for a midlife woman.

top tips to improve gut health

The digestive tract is home to a complex microbial community. Keeping this community diverse, inflammation low and the mucosal lining strong is key to a healthy digestive system. Symptoms that your digestive health is not optimal include bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhoea and excessive wind.

French vegetable "tian" with goat cheese

A Tian is a classic dish from my beloved childhood southern France. It is perfect served alongside grilled meat or fish, or just aside salad for a light lunch. It is perfect to use up all of your summer vegetables. I like to use mixed provencal herbs and garlic for the seasoning but dried oregano works brilliantly too. A super easy one to make vegan by simply skipping the cheese. It’s a bit like a structured ratatouille!