All tagged alcohol

top tips to improve gut health

The digestive tract is home to a complex microbial community. Keeping this community diverse, inflammation low and the mucosal lining strong is key to a healthy digestive system. Symptoms that your digestive health is not optimal include bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhoea and excessive wind.

Top tips for staying healthy at Christmas

Christmas time is often a time of excess and it’s been shown that many people manage to put on over 5 pounds in weight during the festivities. So how do you remain healthy and not sabotage all the good you have done over the past year, while still enjoying yourself?

Top tips for breaking bad eating habits

I often find that it’s the habits we have formed along the way that derail us in our health journey. Whether it’s a snack mid afternoon as a pick me up – that’s eaten out of habit not hunger. Or the glass of wine poured while cooking that’s not necessarily wanted, but has become habitual. This month I am going to take the most common habits that I find with clients in clinic and come up with some simple suggestions that you can use to break these habits.