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Moroccan-spiced squash and lentil stew

Moroccan-spiced squash and lentil stew

We love cooking with lentils - super cheap, high in protein and can be used in so many ways depending on the type of lentil you choose. In this dish we have used green lentils, which hold their shape and are perfect for spiced dishes. We always soak our lentils before using, this helps to remove the anti-nutrient chemicals which can prevent absorption of minerals such as zinc and magnesium.



serves 4


180g green lentils (soaked for 8 hours)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, peeled and chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 large carrots, chopped
400g butternut squash, peeled and chopped
2 garlic cloves
2 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp ground cinnamon
600g bottle of passata
250ml hot water
1 lemon



prep time: 40 mins

  • To soak the lentils: Soak for 8-10 hours (overnight). Rinse thoroughly under cold running water.

  • Heat the oil in large shallow pan and sauté the onions, celery and carrots together for 8-10 minutes.

  • Add the crushed garlic and squash and stir everything together for a few minutes.

  • Add all the spices and stir.

  • Add the soaked lentils, passata and hot water.

  • Simmer together for 40-45 minutes until the squash and lentils are cooked. Keep an eye on the pan and add more water if it starts looking a little dry.

  • Before serving squeeze over the juice of a lemon.

  • Serve with a spoon of coconut or Greek yoghurt and a few coriander leaves.


the health boost tip

Lentils are a great addition to a healthy diet. They are a great protein source for vegetarians. Make sure you soak correctly to avoid any digestive issues.

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