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6 quick and easy breakfasts on the go

6 quick and easy breakfasts on the go

With busy lives and early starts breakfast can sometimes fall by the way side. We are great fans of breakfast - as we feel that if you start your day with a decent meal - then you are more likely to keep on track. If you skip breakfast and then reach for a sugary snack mid morning - then this makes it much harder to eat healthily for the rest of the day as your blood sugars start to become unbalanced. However we understand that not everyone wants to eat breakfast as soon as they wake up. So here are some solutions for breakfast on the go. Ideas that you can take with you into the office or work that can be eaten at leisure.

Invest in a jar with a proper fitting lid - or a good quality tupperware container that doesn’t leak to transport your breakfast.

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2 boiled eggs with a handful of spinach and some smoked salmon or half an avocado.

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Egg muffins made with lots of veg. We have a smoked salmon and spinach recipe here. But the options are endless – just use your favourite veggies.

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Greek yogurt with either frozen berries that you have taken out of the freezer the night before or one of our delicious compote. We have one for every season - rhubarb, apple and ginger, plum and berry or stewed apricot and plum. You can also add a sprinkling of granola on the top for some crunch. If you haven’t got time to make your own granola, then the Spoon Cereals one is very low in sugar and is our favourite.

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Raspberry and chia pots. You can make up several of these at once and store in a jar in the fridge.

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Raspberry and oat pots. Again another breakfast that can be assembled in a jar the night before and just pulled out in the morning.

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Our layered overnight mango chia pots are a great option. Make the night before and grab before heading off to work. The fruit can be varied with whatever you have to hand or is in season.

chicken and spinach tikka masala

chicken and spinach tikka masala

lemon, ginger and pistachio cake

lemon, ginger and pistachio cake