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why visit a nutritional therapist?

why visit a nutritional therapist?


Often people only think of seeing a nutritional therapist if they suspect a food allergy or intolerance. However, there is so much more that we can do to help you feel in optimal health. I have listed below some reasons that you might wish to seek a consultation. A nutritional therapist never uses one diet for all, they recognise that everyone is unique. They look into every aspect of your past history and help to come up with an individualised plan that will work for you.


Life change

Are you going through the menopause and suffering or going through other changes in your life that has left you confused about whether your nutrition is working for you? A nutritional therapist might be able to ease the transition and help with any changes.

Sick of diets?

Do you struggle to lose weight and are fed up with eating bland and boring meals that don't leave you feeling satisfied. Good nutrition doesn't mean dieting and living on salads for the rest of your life. We can help you know what foods work to help you lose weight if that's what you feel you need.


Should you drink coffee? Is coconut oil good or bad for you? Should you eat low fat or low carb? Confused and need guidance? I'm not surprised! The mixed messages that are portrayed in the media are extremely contradictory. A nutritional therapist will have spent at least three years training and understanding what you should be eating for optimal health and so can help guide you.

Skin problems

Do you suffer from dry skin, acne, bumps behind your arms, eczema or psoriasis? Your skin is your largest organ and can reflect what's going on inside you. 


Do you always get colds or the flu? There are often very simple natural remedies to help minimise infections over the cold, winter months. With 70% of your immune cells in your gut, it makes sense to help heal any gut problems.

Digestive problems

Do you suffer constipation, diarrhoea or bloating? Often this is a sign that your digestive system is not working optimally and a nutritional therapist might be able to help.


Are you always anxious or stressed about life? A change in nutrition or increasing some vitamins and minerals in your diet through food can often help with feelings of anxiety. Also stress can impact other areas of your life and is never healthy so learning how to manage your stress is essential for optimal health.

Tired or lacking in energy?

Not sure if your tiredness is just life and its stresses or do you think you might be deficient in iron or B vitamins? A nutritional therapist can order blood tests and give your diet an overhaul to help give you a new energy for life.

A nutritional therapist in your area can be found through the BANT website. By looking for a nutritional therapist that is BANT certified you can be confident that they have been properly trained, qualified and are insured.

I have a clinic in Sevenoaks, Kent and offer a free 15 minute telephone call to see if a nutritional therapy consultation will benefit you. To book your free chat email me at 



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