
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

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moroccan chicken & olive tagine

moroccan chicken & olive tagine

The hearty, warm and spicy dishes of the mediterranean are my best food memories from summers in the South of France, enjoying my grandmother's home cooking. Chicken is an easy and inexpensive source of lean protein but being creative with it is key to re-inventing how you will enjoy it all year long. Slow cooking is not just for the winter months. It's a must for busy health conscious families. Put everything in early in the morning and your delicious flavoursome meal will be awaiting when you all get home, stopping you reaching for other unhealthy processed ready made options.



Serves 6


800g boneless and skinless chicken thighs
200g mixed green and black olives
2 red onions, sliced
120g Chorizo, cubed
680g jar of passata
Handful of dried apricots, chopped
2-3 tablespoon "Marrakesh Chicken" spice mix from Spice Mountain



prep time: 10mins
cook time: 6-8hours

  • In your slow cooker start by adding the sliced red onions.

  • Then add the chicken pieces layed flat on top of the onions.

  • Sprinkle the diced chorizo, apricots and olives all over.

  • Cover with the passatta.

  • Sprinkle with the spices.

  • If possible, about 30mins to an hour before serving, stir to mix everything and adjust seasoning.

  • Delicious served with wholewheat couscous, or quinoa, chickpeas and lots of mixed grilled vegetables such courgettes, aubergines and tomatoes.


the health boost tip

Organic chicken is along with eggs and fatty fish our preferred source of protein as a busy family. Olives are not just a great tasty tangy ingredient, they are full of the good stuff! Olives are a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E, and they also contain small amounts of selenium and zinc. Olives do contain fat, but it's the healthy monounsaturated kind.

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chilled cucumber & avocado soup

chilled cucumber & avocado soup

pea & sweetcorn fritters

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