
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

red cabbage and fennel slaw

red cabbage and fennel slaw

A colourful vibrant salad that's packed full of antioxidants. It's great served at a barbecue or as part of a buffet of salads. I like to serve this for a Saturday lunch with some good quality butcher's sausages.




1 small red cabbage
1/2 fennel bulb
2 spring onions
handful of corainder
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
pinch of chilli flakes
1 tablespoon of pistachio kernels
juice of 1 lime

6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
salt and pepper



  • Finely slice the red cabbage and fennel either using a sharp knife or the slice attachment of your food processor and add to a large bowl.

  • Finely slice the spring onion and coriander and also add to the bowl.

  • Add the cumin and chilli to the bowl along with the pistachio kernels.

  • Squeeze the juice of the lime and add the juice to the bowl.

  • Whisk all the dressing ingredients together and then add the dressing to the salad and give everything a good mix together.


The Health Boost Tip

Cabbage is the "king" of the cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables have gained a big reputation for being anti-cancer due to their high phytonutrient content. Of particular interest is the compound Indole-3-carbinol, which has been shown to increase the rate at which oestrogen is broken down through the liver's detoxification pathway.

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vegetarian stuffed squash

vegetarian stuffed squash

apricot & oat bars

apricot & oat bars