
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

Butternut squash chunky oven fries

Butternut squash chunky oven fries

One of our aims at The Health Boost is to help families with everyday simple tricks to eat more healthily, and adding more vegetables and fibre in our modern diet is up there as a priority. So what if I told you that you could tell the kids that there’s chunky chips on the menu today but still get an extra portion veg in the process? Here comes the butternut squash chunky oven fries, made tasty with the help of a little oat flour, parmesan and rosemary! To make these dairy free replace the parmesan with nutritional yeast.



Serves 4


1 medium butternut squash
5 tablespoon oat flour (you can make this yourself by just blending oats in a blender or food processor)
5 tablespoon freshly grated parmesan
1 tablespoon dry rosemary
Extra virgin olive oil



Prep time: 10mins
Cook time: 20-35mins

  • Preheat your oven to 200ºC

  • Peel the squash. The easiest way to do this is with a julienne peeler.

  • On a cutting board, halve the squash vertically. and scoop out the seeds.

  • Cut the squash into thick half moons and then cut into fries or wedges.

  • In a large bowl, toss the fries with the olive oil.

  • In a separate bowl, add the oat flour, rosemary, parmesan, salt and pepper.

  • Now add the fries into the dry ingredients mix and toss and mix with your hands until the fries are nicely coated.

  • Transfer to a baking tray.

  • Bake for 20-35 minutes, flipping the fries halfway through.

  • Enjoy straight out of the oven.


The Health Boost Tip

This is such a simple crowd pleaser for kids and grown-ups alike. I like to serve it with a few healthy dips such as mashed avocado, a yoghurt cucumber and mint dip or a pesto packing all those rainbow vegetables into each meal.

Butternut squash is rich in dietary fibre, recently highlighted as lacking in the diet of most people in the UK. It also provides good amounts of potassium, important for bone health, and vitamin B6, essential for the proper functioning of both the nervous and immune systems.

Download a printable version here

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