
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

lemon, honey & oat bars

lemon, honey & oat bars

With so many supermarkets and health shops increasing their range of so called "healthier option" snacks, it is easy to get confused with the often misleading claim on the front of the packets. The nutritional labels at the back are so often just as confusing. The solution to ensure you know exactly what you eat? Make your own snacks and get the kids involved with flavours. This lemon honey and poppy seed is a classic favourite in our family. No bake required, ready in an hour.



Makes 5 bars


175g oats
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
1 tablespoon flaxseeds
1 tablespoon raw honey
2 tablespoon raw virgin coconut oil
Juice and zest of 1 lemon



  • Ground the flaxseeds

  • Place all the ingredients in a food processor and mix until thoroughly combined and slightly sticky.

  • Line an enamel or glass dish with baking parchment. Fits a dish measuring about 18 x 12cm.

  • Press the mixture firmly and evenly into the dish and place in the fridge for 1 hour to set.

  • Remove from the fridge, slice and wrap for school snack or post workout refuel.


The Health Boost Tip

Many of the snack bars sold in the supermarkets or health shops as healthy are often still very high in sugar due to the dried fruit content or sugar alternatives used. These contain only a small amount of raw/cold extracted honey. 
Raw or cold extracted honey is a great natural sugar alternative both low in calories and with a Low Glycemic Index.

Download a printable version here

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